Synopsis: Two of Orpheus' honourguard chase the players back through the portal to the material plane. They immediately sense the illithid influence on them and attack.
How to trigger: Side with the gith against the Emperor in INT. Bring him to low HP and then he will send you back to the Material plane.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_CombatAtCamp_02.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Yelled by a gith invading camp through the portal on their turn in combat.
How to trigger: Go to Act2b Intermezzo.Use the bedroll.Click through the dialog until combat begins.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_CombatAtCamp_03.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Yelled by a gith invading camp through the portal on their turn in combat.
How to trigger: Go to Act2b Intermezzo.Use the bedroll.Click through the dialog until combat begins.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_CombatAtCamp_NewWave_01.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Yelled by a gith invading camp through the portal on the turn they are spawned.
How to trigger: Go to Act2b Intermezzo.Use the bedroll.Click through the dialog until combat begins.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_DontHitMePlease.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The Emperor asks the Player to stop hitting them.
How to trigger: Attack the Emperor out of combat in INT.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_EmperorCallsObjectiveDuringOrpheusFight.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Spoken on The Emperor's turns in the Orpheus Chamber fight in Intermezzo.Urging the player and keeping them on-target.
How to trigger: Trigger the Orpheus fight in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_EmperorDead.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Shouted in victory by the Gish Lieutenant after the Emperor dies.
How to trigger: Emperor dies in combat vs Gish.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_EmperorInPain.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Player attacks the emperor, and the emperor yelps in pain.
How to trigger:
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_EmperorRezzesAvatar.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The Emperor resurrects Avatars after the Orpheus Chamber fight, if it needs to.
How to trigger: Ensure that the avatar is dead.Complete the Orpheus Fight in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_EmperorThanksAfterHealing.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The Emperor thanks the player for healing it.
How to trigger: Trigger the Orpheus fight in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_FirstContactWithGith.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The players enter the Astral Prison to find a small group ofSilver Swords mopping up a group of intellect devourers. They spot the players and attack them!
How to trigger: Enter the Astral Prison during Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_Gith_CombTheArea.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Spoken by a gith as they wander the surrounding area in Astral Prison.
How to trigger: Go towards, but do not start combat with, a gith in Astral Prison.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_HonourGuard01_Combat.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Combat ADs for one of the honour guards in the final fight. One line will play at the start of their turn if they're alive.
How to trigger: Get to the final combat in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_HonourGuard04_Combat.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Combat ADs for one of the honour guards in the final fight. One line will play at the start of their turn if they're alive.
How to trigger: Get to the final combat in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_HonourGuardCaptain_Combat.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Lines for one of the guards in the final fight after EmperorPlea dialog - one line per turn
How to trigger: Fight the gith after EmperorPlea dialog
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_IntellectDevourer_AfterCombat.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Response when an intellect devourer is interacted with in Intermezzo - Astral Prison. AFTER Orpheus is subdued. One ID as speaker as placeholder, will need scripting support to make it all IDs.
How to trigger: Interact with an ID in Intermezzo - Astral Prison after Orpheus has been subdued.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_IntellectDevourer_CombatEnds.lsj ========================
Synopsis: AD for finishing a popcorn fight with IDs in Astral Prison, to push the player towards the skull and the Emperor.One ID as speaker as placeholder, will need scripting support to make it all IDs.
How to trigger: Interact with an ID in Intermezzo - Astral Prison
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_IntellectDevourer_Interaction.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Response when an intellect devourer is interacted with in Intermezzo - Astral Prison. BEFORE Orpheus is subdued. One ID as speaker as placeholder, will need scripting support to make it all IDs.
How to trigger: Interact with an ID in Intermezzo - Astral Prison
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_MidFight.lsj ========================
Synopsis: If we attack the Emperor, it doesn't defend itself. During its turn, it reiterates that you have to co-operate.
How to trigger:
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AD_ReturnToAPCombat.lsj ========================
Synopsis: One of the gith royal guard shouts this on their turn when you enter combat after EmperorPlea dialog
How to trigger: Plays after EmperorPlea dialog
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_AfterOrpheus.lsj ========================
Synopsis: With Orpheus subdued, players learn of the true nature of Daisy, some of the Emperor's backstory, the technicality of how Orpheus' power protects them, and the scale of what they are up against when it comes to the Brain's intelligence. They might transform into a half-illithid.
How to trigger: Enter the Astral Prison in INT, and successfully subdue Orpheus.-> Open the debug book (ctrl + shift + 9)-> Select act 2b, and Intermezzo-> Select "After Orpheus Chamber Fight"-> Approach the battle to join in-> ReCon: killcombat-> The dialogue will begin
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyAD_AfterCombatGetToTheSkull.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Daisy urges the player on after combat with one of the two Gith groups inside the Astral Prison
How to trigger: Finish a combat with a group of Gith inside the astral prison.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyAD_CallToHelp.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Daisy calls the player to enter the portal and help. (They're trying to subdue Orpheus, who's trying to break free.)
How to trigger: Plays after the dialog that players see in the middle of the night when going to sleep in Intermezzo in which the Voice of the Absolute is heard.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyAD_GetInThePortal.lsj ========================
Synopsis: DaisyAD plays while player is in combat with githyanki en route to the portal.
How to trigger:
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyAD_InsideAstralPrisonHurry.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Generic Daisy urge we can use to hurry players in the Astral Prison if they're hanging around a bit. Sequential AD. Will be played pretty frequently, so we'll need a good handful.
How to trigger: Take too long inside the Astral Prison.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyPAD_FirstTimeInAstralPrison.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Converted to a DaisyAD but the dialog filename hasn't yet changed.This is the line Daisy says after the player's PAD on entering the astral prison.PAD that comes before this is INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_FirstTimeInAstralPrison
How to trigger: Go into the Astral Portal in INT.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_EmperorAD_StopHittingMeAfterOrpheus.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The Emperor kindly asks the player to stop hitting it.
How to trigger: Attack the Emperor after the Orpheus combat.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_EmperorDies.lsj ========================
Synopsis: If the player kills the Emperor, the Emperor dies, the portal collapses, all players are pulled through an astral rift, and wind up in the
How to trigger: Kill the Emperor in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_EmperorPlea.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The Emperor tries to get you to help it destroy Orpheus' royal guard so that it can subdue Orpheus again. If you side with the Emperor, you fight against the githyanki with the help of the Emperor and the intellect devourers. If you side with the githyanki, the Emperor feels betrayed and will teleport you back to the material plane where you have a few turns to get back inside the portal and some githyanki to kill on your way.
How to trigger: Go near the Emperor in the Astral Plane during Intermezzo
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_NarratorAD_CrystalsImmuneToAttacks.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The player attampts to hit the crystals, and finds them immune to their assault. and the narrator describes the magic being very powerful (setup for the Orphic Hammer in END).
How to trigger: The discerning player notices that the red crystals have health bars and tries to give them a tap.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_NarratorAD_DescribeOrb.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The player clicks on the Orb item around Orpheus after he has been resubdued, and the narrator describes it.
How to trigger: The player clicks on the Orb item around Orpheus after he has been resubdued.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_OrbExplodes.lsj ========================
Synopsis: VFX of the orb exploding.
How to trigger: Enter the Astral Prison in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_AttemptToAttackOrpheus.lsj ========================
Synopsis: PAD when the player attempts to attack Orpheus.
How to trigger: Attack Orpheus in intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_FirstTimeInAstralPrison.lsj ========================
Synopsis: PAD when the player enters the astral prison in Intermezzo.A DaisyAD follows on from this PAD - DaisyAD is INT_EmperorRevealed_DaisyPAD_FirstTimeInAstralPrison
How to trigger: Long rest at INT camp to trigger gith camp combat.Enter the portal to the astral prison.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_LetsJustRest.lsj ========================
Synopsis: A nudge for the player to go to sleep to continue the story. Plays after player returns from Astral Prism having met the Emperor and after the GD in which the group reflects on the fact that the dream visitor was a mind flayer all along.
How to trigger: In the return to camp after EmperorRevealed, walk around the empty camp.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_NonTadpoledReactToVoA.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The non-tadpoled characters react to their comrades being crushed under the Voice of the Absolute.
How to trigger: Have a non-tadpoled character in your party when first resting in Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_NotDemonsButGith.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The players see the corpses of some of Orpheus' Royal Guard. They remark that they are not the demonic figures that
How to trigger: Complete the first unavoidable combat in the EmperorRevealed situation in the Astral Prison.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_PAD_ReactingToOrpheusRocks.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The player observes Orpheus' binds and the crimson rocks they come from.
How to trigger: After the Orpheus Chamber fight, observe the rocks that he is bound to.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_VB_CantSleep.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The character expresses the fact that they're actively being turned into a thrall and that taking a nap would be a bad plan.
How to trigger: Attempt to go back to sleep during Intermezzo.
======================== New File: INT_EmperorRevealed_WokenUpAtNight_SCO.lsj ========================
Synopsis: The players are woken up by the booming voice of the Absolute becoming unbearable. The artefact struggles and eventually shines bright, opening a portal (seen in gameplay) to the Astral Plane. GROUP_Players in SpeakerGroup1 is the active player.
How to trigger: Go to sleep during the ArriveIntermezzo camp night.
======================== New File: INT_GithyankiAmbush_ArriveIntermezzo.lsj ========================
Synopsis: Players are shown to arrive in the Intermezzo camp.
How to trigger: Leave SCL towards BGO.For quick testing, in builds use the DebugBook -> Go to region -> Act2b - IntermezzoIn the editor, Load INT_Main_A and start playing, you would automatically see the dialog play.If you want to test repeatedly in editor, start playing, press CTRL + Shift + 8 to open the Camp Debug Book.Then navigate to Queue Camp Night and select ArriveIntermezzo
======================== New File: INT_MeanwhileInTheCity.lsj ========================
Synopsis: To be used as a "meanwhile in the city..." transition from act 2 to Intermezzo.Gortash is preparing for his inaugration when a Flaming Fist brings news of a brainquake in the Lower City. Gortash claims that the situation is under control, at which point the Fist transforms into Orin, who mocks him and threatens to break their alliance.Gortash attempts to make peace, for the sake of controlling the brain, and divert her attention to the players. Orin steps down but maintains her threatening demeanour.
How to trigger: Currently not scripted - this will be updated when it is
======================== New File: ORI_Laezel_AD_PartySupressionIntermezzoAfterEmperor.lsj ========================
Synopsis: AD playing on Laezel while in the Intermezzo Astral Plane after the emperor
How to trigger: Click on Laezel while in the Intermezzo Astral plane after the Emperor
======================== New File: ORI_Laezel_AD_PartySupressionIntermezzoBeforeEmperor.lsj ========================
Synopsis: AD playing on Laezel while in the Intermezzo Astral Plane before the emperor
How to trigger: Click on Laezel while in the Intermezzo Astral plane before the Emperor
======================== New File: ORI_Minthara_AD_EnteredAstralPlane.lsj ========================
How to trigger: