e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (2024)

When you navigate to the Crew Schedule in e*Labor, you first see a summary screen. It displays a Generate Projection button and a summary of the weekly schedules that have been created. The summary includes the following columns:

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (1)




Displays the schedule date. This is a hyperlink you click to open the schedule


The restaurant number

Projected Sales

The projected sales for the week are pulled from the Projections screen. This number is based on the manager adjusted sales from the Projections screen. If the manager made no adjustments, it is the original ROPbased projection

Actual Sales

As the week progresses, the actual sales are displayed

ROP Based Transactions

Displays the number of transactions projected through ROP

Manager Adjusted Transactions

Displays the number of transactions projected after the manager has made any adjustments to increase or decrease the projections

Actual Transactions

As the week progresses, the actual number of transactions is displayed as a cumulative total

Projected Crew Labor %

Total number of crew hours divided by the percentage of sales

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (2)



Scheduled Hours (VLH)

The number of variable labor hours scheduled

Total Scheduled Hours

The total number of variable, floor, and fixed hours scheduled

Total Variance Hours (VLH)

Total variance hours looks at variable hours actually scheduled vs. what is needed. This adds all of the plus or minus hours together to get a total variance, for example -3 hours and +2 hours = 5 hours of variance

Total Fixed Task Variance Hours

The difference between the fixedhours scheduled and the number of fixed hours in the Fixed Hours Guide

Total Floor Variance Hours

The difference between the floor hours called for by the system and the number of hours that were scheduled

# of Unassigned Shifts

Displays the number of shifts in the schedule that do not have a person assigned

Is Posted

Indicates whether or not the schedule has been posted in e*Labor

Is Approved

Indicates whether or not the schedule has been approved in e*Labor

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (3)

At the top of the Crew Schedule screen, the Action button provides the following options:

  • Save
  • Post
  • Unpost (only available for owner/operator, supervisor or designate)
  • Approve (only available for owner/operator, supervisor or designate)
  • Close
  • Auto-Schedule
  • Copy Schedule
  • Manual Creation

The Reports button enables you to run reports on the schedule. It includes the following reports:

  • Daily Crew Schedule
  • Daily Crew Schedule (Color)
  • Unscheduled Employee Report
  • Manager Schedule Override Report
  • Labor Analysis Summary Report
  • Weekly Schedule Report

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (4)

Filter Button

The Filter button displays a row of filters that allow you to sort information or display only certain information about the schedule. Click the Filter button to show or hide the filters.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (5)

Filters can be used together. For example, you could set the schedule job filter to Grill Regular Menu and the daypart filter to Lunch. The filters selected display in the breadcrumb so you can easily see what filters, if any, are selected.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (6)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (7)

Analysis Button

The Analysis button displays information about the schedule, such as weekly statistics and fixed tasks. Click the Analysis button to show or hide the information. The number on the left side of the Analysis button indicates the total number of over- and under-scheduled hours for the week.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (8)

Weekly Stats Tab

For each day, the Weekly Stats tab displays the following information:

Information Displayed


Projected Sales

The sales projected for the day

Scheduled Dollars

The total hours scheduled multiplied by the rate of pay for employees

Projected Labor %

This includes the total hours scheduled plus vacation accrual if the organization uses vacation accrual. This will also include a calculation for all unassigned shifts that uses an average rate of pay for the day multiplied by the length of the shift

Total Scheduled Hours

The total number of hours scheduled

Net Variance

The difference between the projected hours and the scheduled hours

Total Variance

The total number of over- and under-scheduled hours. The system adds the under-scheduled hours and the over-scheduled hours to display the total variance. For example, -3 hours and +2 hours = 5 total variance hours

Unassigned Hours

Displays the number of unassigned hours on the schedule

Premium Pay

Displays the amount of any premium pay (if used by your restaurant)

Premium Pay Hours

Displays the total number of hours that will receive premium pay (if used by your restaurant)

Daily Crew Vacation Accrual

For organizations that offer paid vacation to crew or hourly managers, this enables an organization to spread the cost throughout the year instead of having the vacation cost hit the laborline the week thevacation is taken

Fixed Tasks Tab

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (9)

The Fixed Taskstab displays the difference between the number of hours scheduled and the number of hours in the Fixed Hours Guide.

  • A red negative number indicates fewer hours have been scheduled than are allocated in the Fixed Hours Guide
  • A blue zero indicates that the number of hours scheduled matches the number of hours allocated in the Fixed Hours Guide
  • A blue positive number indicates that more hours have been scheduled than are allocated in the Fixed Hours Guide

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (10)

Chart Button

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (11)

The Chartbutton displaysa visual diagram of projected staff versus working staff.Before using this button, always filter to what you want to see (floor or variable). The red graph shows projected staff based on the VLH and the blue graph shows what has been scheduled. If the two graphs are not lined up with each other, the time is either over-scheduled or under-scheduled. For example, under-scheduling can occur if a manager deletes a shift.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (12)

Warnings Button

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (13)

The Warnings button displays issues that may need to be corrected in the schedule. The number of alerts (warnings) displays on the button. You can view all warnings, or filter by the warning type listed in the drop-down.

Warnings happen when you manually edit a shift after the Auto-Schedule process. They are based on the settings set up for your organization.

Note: Any warnings that were created in the Managers' Schedule are carried over during auto-schedule for the Crew Schedule.

  • Overtime - indicates that a manager or crew member has been scheduled for more than 40 hours in one week or more than 8 hours in one day depending on the state or local laws
  • Double Time - in some states, any employee scheduled for more than 8 hours a day must be paid double-time for the additional hours
  • Employee Availability - indicates that a manager or crew member has been scheduled for a shift outside of their availability
  • Skill Level - indicates that a manager or crew member has been scheduled for a job for which he or she is not qualified
  • Overlapping Shifts- indicates when more than one restaurant is in the same week of the schedule and tries to schedule the shared employee at the same time
  • Shift Length - indicates that a manager or crew member has been scheduled for a shift that is too long or too short based on the labor laws and people practices that are set up for the organization
  • Meal Break - indicates that a manager or crew member has not been scheduled or has not been scheduled correctly for a meal break based on the labor laws and people practices set up for the organization, and indicates when the break should be scheduled
  • Rest Break - indicates that a manager or crew member has not been scheduled or has not been scheduled correctly for a rest break based on the labor laws and people practices set up for the organization, and indicates when the break should be scheduled. This option only displays in the Warnings drop-down list if rest breaks are required by the state and set up for the organization
  • Split Shift - indicates that an employee has been scheduled with less than 10 hours between shifts

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (14)

Employee View/Job View Button

The Employee View/Job View button enables you to toggle the view of the schedule between Employee View, which displays the entire shift for a crew member on one line, and Job View, which shows one line for each schedule job assigned for the shift. The button displays the total number of open shifts (unassigned shifts) for the week.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (15)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (16)

Daily Tabs

The tabs for each day of the week display time and schedule jobs in 15 minute increments.



e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (17)

Indicates the person is unavailable

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (18)

Indicates the specific schedule job the person is assigned to work. Each job has a different color and code. For example, drive-thru displays as a green box with theletter "D"

A break symbol indicates that the crewor manager has been scheduled for a rest break or a meal break. When you point to a break, a screen tip indicates whether or not it is a meal or rest break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (19)

Indicates a 10 minute rest break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (20)

Indicates a 10 minutemeal break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (21)

Indicates a 15 minute rest break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (22)

Indicates a 15 minutemeal break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (23)

Indicates a 20 minute rest break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (24)

Indicates a 20 minutemeal break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (25)

Indicates a 30 minute rest break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (26)

Indicates a 30 minutemeal break

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (27)

Indicates overtime and displays when the maximum work hours are exceeded

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (28)

Theicon to the left of thename indicates the person is a minor

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (29)

The icon to the left of the name indicates the person is a shared employee

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (30)

Indicates a shared employee is working at another restaurant in the organization during that time. This only displays if you are trying to add the employee on the same day they are already scheduled at another restaurant in the organization

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (31)

The icon to the left of the name indicates the person is no longer a shared employee of this restaurant

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (32)

The number following thename displays the person's skill level for the schedule job

Floor Hours

Floor hours are based on a 10 to 1 ratio. For every 10 crew scheduled, a floor manager should be scheduled.

Rest Breaks and Meal Breaks

For rest breaks, the scheduled staff is not reduced. Auto-schedule will not try to cover the break with another employee.

For meal breaks, the scheduled staff is reduced by one. Auto-schedule will try to replace the scheduled job with another employee or create an unassigned shift fragment to cover for the break.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (33)

Weekly View Tab

The Weekly View tab displays the entire week on one screen. As in Job View, it shows one line perperson for each schedule job assigned.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (34)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (35)

Schedule Reminder Tab

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (36)

The Schedule Reminder tab displays any notes regarding the weekly schedule that were entered in the Manager's Log. This could be a reminder about a local promotion or reminders of things that need to be done in the restaurant on a particular day. For example, there might be a reminder about a local promotion, such as a McTeacher's Night that is running at a specific time one evening during the week; or there might be a reminder that the stack cleaners are coming on a specific night.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (37)

Audit Trail Tab

The Audit Trail captures all the changes or actions that are performed by the user including the following:

  • Adds, Edits, and Deletions to employee records
  • First Name, Last Name, and User ID of the person who made the change
  • Date and time stamp that change was made
  • National Store Number

This information can be viewed in the Audit Trail tab on screens in e*Restaurant.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (38)

Help Button

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (39)

The Help button allows you to access screen-specific online Help when you are working in the Managers' or Crew Schedules.


Assign Employee to Unassigned Shift

Quick Steps

To assign an employee to an unassigned shift:

  1. From the People Management menu, select e*Labor > Crew Schedule
  2. Click the date
  3. Click a day tab; ensure you are in the Job View; if you are in the Employee View, click the Employee View button to go to the Job View
  4. Click in the blank cell of the Employee Name column; click the right corner of the blank cell to display the drop-down list
  5. Select an employee from the drop-down list
    e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (40)When selecting an employee, look first for available employees with a high skill level.
    e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (41)With shared employees, timing is important. The home restaurant or the shared restaurant needs to enter the shared employee on the schedule and save it. Once saved, all restaurants where the employee is shared see the employee's shifts at the first restaurant.
  6. Click the Action button and selectSave
    e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (42)
    TheSaveoption is directly above thePostoption. Make sure you are selecting the correct option.
  7. Click OK

To assign an employee to an unassigned shift:

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (43)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (44)

From the People Management menu, select e*Labor> Crew Schedule

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (45)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (46)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (47)

Click the date

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (48)

The message Loading Crew Schedule displays

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (49)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (50)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (51)

Click a day tab; ensure you are in the Job View; if you are in the Employee View, click the Employee View button to go to the Job View

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (52)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (53)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (54)

Click in the blank cell of the Employee Name column; click the right corner of theblank cell to display the drop-down list

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (55)

Available means the employee is not scheduled on the selected day, is available to work the entire shift, and will not be in violation of a labor law/people practice or availability if assigned the shift. Assigned means the person is already assigned to a shift for the selected day. Limited means the person is not scheduled on the selected day, is available to work part of the shift greater than or equal to the minimum shift length, and will not be in violation of a labor law/people practice or availability if assigned the shift. Unavailable means that the person is not available to work based on availability, already on the schedule for a shift at the same time, not available for the entire shift or would violate a labor law/people practice if assigned to the shift.

The number in parentheses next to the name is the employee's skill level for the schedule job. Employees with a skill level of 5 do not display in the Select Employee drop-down.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (56)

Select an employee from the drop-down list
e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (57)When selecting an employee, look first for available employees with ahigh skill level.
e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (58)With shared employees, timing is important. The home restaurant or the shared restaurant needs to enter the shared employee on the schedule and save it. Once saved, all restaurants where the employee is shared see the employee's shifts at the first restaurant.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (59)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (60)

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (61)

Click the Action button and selectSave
e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (62)
TheSaveoption is directly above thePostoption. Make sure you are selecting the correct option.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (63)

The message Saving Data displays

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (64)

The message Data Saved displays

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (65)

Click OK

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (66)

Click theActionbutton and selectCloseto exit the screen.

e*Labor: Crew Schedule Screen (2024)
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Article information

Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6668

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.