Large Ship / Station
Steel Plate100
Metal Grid20
Large Steel Tube20
Construction Component40
Steel Plate1,100
Dimensions (W,H,L)2,4,2
Mass25,328kg 25,328,000g
Build time90s
Material Efficiency100%
Refine Speed130%
Power Consumption560kW 560,000W
Idle Power Consumption1kW 1,000W
Inventory Volume7,500L 7.5m³
Is AirtightPartially
Power Consumer GroupFactory
PCU Cost90
BrowseLast edit: 2020-04-11
- 1 Overview
- 2 Usage
- 2.1 Efficiency
- 2.2 Refining Rates
- 3 Upgrade Modules
- 3.1 Power Efficiency modules
- 3.2 Yield modules
- 3.3 Speed modules
- 3.4 Combined effect
- 4 Media
- 5 Tips
- 6 Known Issues
- 7 See also
- 8 Programming
- 9 Update History
The Refinery is a functional Block available for Large Ships and Stations, used to process raw Ores into useful Materials. If connected to a Conveyor Network via one of the inventory access points, the Refinery can automatically pull in Ores from attached inventories to process, and any attached Assemblers can pull refined Materials from the Refinery as needed. Unlike the Basic Refinery, the Refinery is capable of refining all ore types in the game, with the exception of Ice, which must be processed inside an Oxygen Generator. Both of its ore and ingot inventories hold 7,500L 7.5m³
Each Ore once mined from an ore vein from an Asteroid, Moon, or Planet is in a very impure form that is mixed up with other elements and contaminated with impurities not suited for fashioning into useful Components, the Refinery for lack of a better word Refines the ores into their pure forms much like Smelting. Since the Ores are riddled with impurities most of the Ore will be processed away leaving behind only the base element. Each type of ore has their own ratio of impurities and the time necessary to remove.
In addition to this every type of Refiner (Refinery, Basic Refinery) also has their own ore efficiency ratio and refining speed. The factors in determining the yield of any given quantity of ores being turned into useful materials is as follows:
Materials Produced == Ore × (RefineryEfficiency × 1.0905077 ^ YieldModules)Ore = the specific Ore's Material Efficiency (Ore-Ingot Ratio)RefineryEfficiency = the refiner's Material Efficiency (which for the Refinery is 1)YieldModules = the amount of attachment point connected Yield Modules, each module fills 2 attachment ports - so provides 2 each.
Using this we can estimate the yield of 50 kg of Nickel Ore to come out to 20 kg of processed Nickel Ingot, since:
50 kg of Nickel Ore × 0.4 (the ore's efficiency) × 1 (the refinery's base efficiency) = 20 kg of Nickel Ingots
Refining Rates
Ore | Processing Time | Combined Efficiency | Consumption | Production | Production Time | Result |
Cobalt Ore | 2.308 s/kg | 30% | 0.433 kg/s | 0.13 kg/s | 7.692 s/kg | Cobalt Ingot |
Gold Ore | 0.308 s/kg | 1% | 3.25 kg/s | 0.033 kg/s | 30.769 s/kg | Gold Ingot |
Iron Ore | 0.038 s/kg | 70% | 26 kg/s | 18.2 kg/s | 0.055 s/kg | Iron Ingot |
Magnesium Ore | 0.385 s/kg | 0.7% | 2.6 kg/s | 0.018 kg/s | 54.945 s/kg | Magnesium Powder |
Nickel Ore | 0.508 s/kg | 40% | 1.97 kg/s | 0.788 kg/s | 1.269 s/kg | Nickel Ingot |
Platinum Ore | 2.308 s/kg | 0.5% | 0.433 kg/s | 0.002 kg/s | 461.538 s/kg | Platinum Ingot |
Scrap Metal | 0.031 s/kg | 80% | 32.5 kg/s | 26 kg/s | 0.038 s/kg | Iron Ingot |
Silicon Ore | 0.462 s/kg | 70% | 2.167 kg/s | 1.517 kg/s | 0.659 s/kg | Silicon Wafer |
Silver Ore | 0.769 s/kg | 10% | 1.3 kg/s | 0.13 kg/s | 7.692 s/kg | Silver Ingot |
Stone | 0.008 s/kg | 5.04% | 130 kg/s | 6.552 kg/s | 0.153 s/kg | Gravel Iron Ingot Nickel Ingot Silicon Wafer |
Uranium Ore | 3.077 s/kg | 1% | 0.325 kg/s | 0.003 kg/s | 307.692 s/kg | Uranium Ingot |
- Based on game data file content.
- Kilogram ore consumed per second = Refinery Speed × Ore Mass ÷ Ore RefineTime
- Kilogram ingots produced per second = Refinery Speed × Refined Mass × Refinery Efficiency ÷ Ore RefineTime
Upgrade Modules
A Refinery starts with 100% in all categories. When you add modules, the Refinery's Control Panel will show the adjusted percentages. The Refinery block itself has eight attachment points for modules, all on the flat grey side. Each module can occupy up to two attachment points.
There are three types of upgrade module for Refineries:
Power Efficiency modules
Improves the Refinery's power efficiency by about 22%, Multiplicative, for each attachment point.
- For 1 attachment slot
- 560kW
/ 1.2228445 ^ 1 ≈ 458 kW
0.56MW - For all 8 slots
- 560kW
/ 1.2228445 ^ 8 ≈ 112 kW
Yield modules
Increase the number of ingots you get for a given quantity of ore. This also has the effect of producing ingots faster. It does not affect ore consumption rate, nor does it affect power consumption.
Effectiveness modules increase Material Efficiency by about 9% per attachment point. Their influence is cumulative, so three attachment points give 1.09 ^ 3 = 1.3 times the efficiency (30% bonus rather than 27%). Filling all eight will yield a 100% bonus. This means that maximizing Effectiveness will generate twice as many ingots from a given volume of ore.
Note however that a refinery cannot produce more ingots than it consumes ore. For iron, the conversion is already 70% mass-efficient. Maximum Effectiveness would give us a theoretical yield of 0.7 x (0.8 x 2) = 1.12 ie. 1kg of ore would become 1.12kg of ingots, but the refinery cannot produce more ingots than there is ore (as this would be creating matter). For most ores this isn't an issue though.
Speed modules
Increase the speed at which ore gets converted into ingots, and increases power consumption.
Productivity modules add 50% to the Productivity stat for each attachment point occupied, giving a maximum of 400% achievable with 4 modules filling all points. This does not yield 5 times the refinement speed, however. A Refinery has a base refining speed of 1.3 and productivity gains are added to this at a rate of 0.5 per attachment point, so the actual speed can be calculated as:
p = number of Productivity attachment points (0 to 8)Productivity shown in control panel = 100% + (p*50%)base speed = 1.3actual refining speed = 1.3 + (p/2)observed speed increase = p*38.46%
So the maximum Productivity boost actually yields about 4 times the base refining speed, rather than 5 times.
Combined effect
spd = Speed attachment pointspow = Power Efficiency attachment pointseff = Effectiveness module attachment points
Power modifier = (1+0.5*spd)/(1.2228445^pow)Effectiveness modifier = 1.0905077 ^ effProduction modifier = 0.5*spd
It's far more efficient to have an Arc Furnace refine your iron than the refinery.The Arc Furnace was repurposed in v1.189 to the Basic Refinery. - Power efficiency modules are better than you think, when your refinery is running 24/7, this can save tons of power!
Known Issues
- Refineries use system resources when they process, so having tons of them in a small confined area can slightly affect performance. Still present as of Update 01.111
- Refineries don't discriminate between different types of ores, so your refinery may be wasting time on stone instead of more valuable ores. A good way to address this is with the Programmable Block and a Refinery script from the Steam Workshop, or use a Conveyor Sorter.
See also
- Basic Refinery
- Assembler
- Oxygen Generator
- Power Efficiency Upgrade Module
- Productivity Upgrade Module
- Effectiveness Upgrade Module
- Action List - Refinery
Update History
Update 01.048 |
Update 01.047.016 |
Update 01.045 |
Update 01.043.013 |
Update 01.033 |
Update 01.023 |
Update 01.022 |
Update 01.021.029 |
Update 01.021 |
Update 01.020 |
Update 01.013.008 |
Update 01.013 |
Update 01.004.011 |